Well, we had a great time at the reunion.

Dexter and Maureen, Tim and Deb, Dave Lowenstein and Myra, myself and Dawn, Chuck Goldman, Laurie Leibowitz (Windsor) and Tim, Sandy Christianson, Fred Baybutt, Mark Mahoney, Jim Kelsey, John McIlveen all attended.

There was a BBQ in the afternoon. Dave, Dexter, Tim, and I and our families hung out and then went to take pictures in front of Cloneland. We put all the kids on the porch first a little nervous that the porch might cave in as the place has not seen much work in 20 years. Dexter referred to the kids as Cloneland – The Next Generation - causing anxiety amongst some of the mothers.

We headed up to the library checking out the roof view and then heading up to the quad stopping at the cannon (which the kids liked) and Eaton Campus Center (now a computer lab). We then toured Houston and Carmichael. It was amazing to see how small the rooms were. Carmichael was truly a desolate place of which we had many fond memories. We found Tim’s old room and Dave’s old room open. They have the same old “closets” and cinder block walls.

We met up again at night running into Laurie, Sandy, Fred, John McIlveen, Chuck Goldman, and Ned Hall. Chuck actually looked younger than he did at Tufts causing John McIlveen to suggest that “the knife” may have been involved. We had some laughs and retold some very funny stories (sometimes waiting until the spouses were not around). Some of the stories retold were: Dexter’s drive around Ellis oval, the taking of the MacPhie sign and hanging at Cloneland (no one admitted to being involved in this one), the Bong Movie (John agreed to set this up as a streaming video if Dexter could convert it to Digital), Mother Milk and “Who turned off the music”, finding Heff’s Id in Ball Square, the famous bet to see if Matt would chug a pitcher, various trips to Boston, working in the dish room (The Smell and the River), and many more... We also met up with Laurie Ansarge who Dexter and I did not remember too clearly but actually remembered us fondly even though we think she lived on the 2nd floor of Milne House for second semester...

Many of the other people in the room looked very middle aged.

All kidding aside, it was great to see everyone and to find they we had all become very productive members of society. I hope to see everyone at the 25 if not before...